Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & staff members who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


ExEcutive board members 2024-2025



Erica Whitehead email

George McCarthy-Zink email  

Jennifer Barfield email
Tara Hart email
VP Fundraising/Sponsorships: 
Shannon Camp email
VP Membership:
Alexia Allen email
Jeana Salman email
VP Communication: 
Keisha Sanders email
VP School Support/Mini-grants: 
Betsy Wallace email
VP Hospitality Services: 
Ellen Swerdlin email
Sarah Kass email
VP Sports Liaison: 
Courtney Gardner email
Spirit Wear Liaison:
Abi Saltzman email
Teacher/Staff Liaison:
Parliamentarian: Open
Laurie Woodruff email